Sunday, January 23, 2011

tata cara ber-twitter ria

ok skrg gw mo ngomongin soal twitting2 an
gw pgn tau lo yg pada pk twitter belajar dr mana seh.
misalny ada istilah yg lo ga tau. lo pake lah om google,jangan ngikutin orang doank bisanya. ambil contoh RT atau retweet. itu dipakai lo mo nge-twit twitter an org buat lo broadcast ke follower lo. bukan nya buat jawab status2 temen lo. disitu gunanya lo pake reply.

lo tau kan postingan di twitter ga banyak. cm 140an char.kek lo sms deh. eh lo bales pk RT trus dibales lg pake RT uda gitu balesnya pake nama si pengirimnya pula..ya abis la spacenya trus sampe ada namanya tiny url. percuma org uda males buka tu link. yg ada org jd mls follow elo. apalagi yg account nya di link ke facebook. cape d lo mo eksis di dua dunia? tp ga mau cape. ga gt kl cara nya. mana kalo isi timeline nya cuma RT RT ga jelas lo ama temen lo. ngotor2in wall gw aja.

yg gw bingung knp lo kek gitu. apa lo bloon bgt. atau apa lo ga tau aja. sebagian yg gw liat malahan org It yg kek gitu. masa yg gitu aja lo kaga ngerti.
mulai deh lo kalo pake barang kenalin dolo cara pake nya.

peace y'all..

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Friday, January 21, 2011

review nexian journey

it's been a month that I got this phone. Only one word. Superb! Ga sia2 nungguin 2 jam antre buat dapatin handphone ini.  bisa di bilang ini hp sejuta umat skrg. I really dont care as long as I got this beautiful phone. Yes ini hp merk lokal tapi pabriknya sama kaya ipad.  Plus murmer bek garansi satu tahun lagi.  The best partnya lgsg gw dapet free inet setahun how great is that.  Now i can unsubscibre my inet connection at home. Plus karna gw ngantri gw dapat 2 free pouch plus satu gantungan hp lucu hehe.

Ok balik ke review.  So far nih hp udah nemenin gw enak jarang ngecewain gw.
Oke sure gw dappet micro sd yg suck tp kebanyakan jg begitu. Yg penting gw ga dapet lcd yg ada dead pixelnya.  At least i think so.  Layarnya cukup besar dan responsif.  Os nya udah eclair.  Sayangnya karna upgrade dari pabrik cpu nya di underclock jadinya lemot blm lgsg memori internal kecil jadi susah mo instal aplikasi2 gede.  Gw harus wipe hp gw truz masukin custom rom ke dalam nya.  Cm skrg gw msh clueless to do that.
and gw msh harus beli micro sd yg agak gede an en cepet.
build quality nya emg ga sebanding sama htc tp its ok lah buat gw. suaranya jg cukup kenceng walau kdg cempreng. camera ga ada auto focus. sucks walo uda 5 MP
Buat tlp a sms jg ga jd masalah.
gps ok.sensor2 fine.wifi ok.bluetooth aga ssh tp itu karna dr os nya.
uda multi touch. browsing enak. aplikasi banyak keren2  gratis.ada trackballnya. one thing yoi must remember abouut android phonis it heavly rely on inet conn so lo emg harus ada layanan data. kalo ga lo ga bs pake dia sampe batas ny.uda ada gpu nya jg jd asik buat maen game. and blm lunas.baru byr sekali kemaren 88rb. life its pretty sweet if u look like it like that. oh iya on3big concern here. but iits apply on every droid handset. boros listrik.jadinya cepet abis batre nya mana handset ini jg batrenya kapasitas nya kecil. blm lg batrenya keknya bapuk punya yg abal2 dikasihnya. harus cari batre cadangan nih. sama ati goreznya he3.
sekian reportase dr saya. nantikan saya selanjutnya...

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

why everyone rempong with their goddamn BB

okay let's get this straight. i have many ideas during my commuter at work but bcoz i'm on bike i cant do nothing

maybe i wont said much but its a starter mAybe i'll revisited other time

the one that recently cross my mind is why all this people bother with their blackberry.

its been there so many years .lo pada pada kemana aja. its originally just a service not until they produced their handset. so yes they can do push email so what. many other phone can do it. my cheap phone even can do it. but i salute about them cos their encription and their security. but people in this country are too blind to see that . they just dont give a damn.
just just use it for chat and facebook. i wonder if their no facebook wil they buy their goddamn phone.
for crying out loud there so many handset with beautiful UI experience for fb twitter a
nd so on. why dont u see it. is it beacuse your friend dont use it,shame on u. or is it because it don have bbm? i tell you that lots messanging tool out there where dont use a pin that u should share with the world. still if anything happen u lost all ur bbm contact and u think your world crumbling. and you have to suffer to find it all once again.yet just to find your contact fill with junk and alay name. where the topic in the group just something shitt that been broadcast by a slut that dont have a life or some seller that just giving u all ads about his stuff.

u know the problem is. is because most of people here just 'latah' they dont know nothing ,they just go with the trend, or maybe they just pure stupid.why on earth you buy the most expensive bb if you cant use it to fullest.or why u subscribe to a data plan if u just use it for chat

dont get me wrong i think bb do a good job for their level of protection and mostly it goes well for bussiness but the one that i sad is why people so easy to trap on something crap like this..

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